After examining me, the doctor thought it was my appendix so she sent me to the ER. So I drove to the ER and I waited for about 1 1/2 hrs. While there, I was getting more and more scared that my appendix would bust in the waiting room and I'd die right there. I started to cry. And there were these 2 older Mexican ladies sitting across from me and one lept over and hugged me saying, "It's ok, you're going to be ok." Which only made me cry more. But I needed it. Funny how that works. Anyway, they bring me in and start checking me out. The doctor says that she thinks it might be my gallbladdder. I needed a CT Scan. They told me I had to drinking this stuff before going for the scan that didn't taste so good. But the faster I'd drink it, the faster I'd go in for the scan. So I chugged it like I was drinking a boot of beer. Just focused and started downing it. It was impressive enough that the doctor spread the word. Anyway, a few tests later and it was confirmed that I had a "suspiciously large" gallbladder and 2 gallstones. They'd schedule me for surgery the next day.
I still don't know much about the gallbladder. What I've been told is that it isn't necessary. It stores fat & bile. And Lord knows I don't need any more fat & bile in me. I haven't gotten a straight answer about what causes the stones but the doctor said they were so big that it was years and years of development. Awesome.
I was admitted to the hospital Tues. night. Lisa came by bringing me some things from home and taking the Jeep back from the hosp. garage. And she brought me essential reading materials like US and OK. So I'm all caught up on Lindsay Lohan's shenanigans. My roommate was an older lady who had broken her arm and hurt her leg so she couldn't go to the bathroom by herself. I spent the next 18 hrs listening to her scream into the call button "POTTY!" My favorite was when she told the poor Filipino orderly that she had to piddle. He kept asking No. 1 or No. 2. She just kept saying she had to piddle. Finally, he said, " I don't know what that is." I wanted to shout, "SHE NEEDS TO PEE!" but eventually they got their wires straight and I was able to fall back asleep.
Wed. morning I had to tell George & Nelva about what was going on. I called my dad at work and told him. He had the pleasure of breaking it to my mom. They took it relatively well. My mom threatened to cry but I told her that wouldn't help me. All in all, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. They took me in for surgery around 1 pm. I didn't get out from recovery till about 7:00. Tim was there w the gorgeous flowers pictured above. Apparently I was entertaining in my drugged state. But I got it together and was coherent enough for Lisa & Maureen's visit that evening. My parents called. My mom asked how it went and I said I didn't know-- didn't she talk to the doctor? She said yes, she had spoken to the doctor. Is he Chinese? I was like, no, he's Indian. WHAT DID HE SAY?!?! She said the doctor confirmed that the gallbladder was really bad. But he had calmed her down and said I'd be better in a week or so. But I still didn't really know what happened-- hadn't spoken to anyone myself. Finally a doctor came in and told me that my stones were huge, my gallbladder was really bad but that the surgery went fine. I was in a fair amt of pain so they gave me morphine. I had several phone conversations in this drugged state and thought I was making perfect sense. I have since been told that it was mainly incoherent babble and I made Laura cry in the Jewel. But it was a good night's sleep.
Thurs. I was still in a fair amt of pain. Every doctor who checked on me told me that my gallbladder was big, infected, inflammed, etc. Alright already-- I get the idea. They sent it and the stones for tests. What tests? No idea. But I assume if they had flunked, the doctors would have let me know. My focus on Thurs was keeping down liquids, then food, walking and passing gas. I was able to do everything but pass gas. Sexy, huh? Anyway, btwn that and the pain, they decided to keep me one more night. They gave me vicodin during the morning. Just 1 pill at first and it didn't do anything. They gave me 2 pills and I still didn't get the whole big deal about vicodin. Still lots of pain. But over the course of the day, it got better. I had a gaggle of visitors on Thurs night-- Laura, Alex, Mandy, Shannon, Matt & Magen. It was nice to get my mind off my gut for a little bit and that crew definitely entertained. And it led to another good night's sleep.
Fri. they took the drain and the IV out and I was finally able to shower! So exciting. David, my boss-- the best boss ever, picked me up and brought me home. And that's been it. I'm home and walking more and more everyday. I've been able to eat w/o any problem. I pooped on Sun. and that was very exciting as well. I still have pain and the vicodin knocks me out. Makes me super sleepy. But it lets me walk around. I can't lift more than 10 lbs. so laundry and groceries are tough. But I'm getting back to normal little by little. Or at least normal for me. I'm working from hoome this week and next week expect to be back to my old routine.
Thanks for everyone's concern and offers of help. I appreciate it more than you know.
1 comment:
I believe that the gall bladder is the low rent district of the liver and it probably means that you are drinking too much alcohol.
Signed, Betty Ford
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