Night 1- Dar Williams
Friday night was a girl’s night. I had so-so sushi at Shine (it’s no Butterfly!), wine and girl talk w Laura on Fri night. The real genius part was stopping at Ethel’s lounge on our walk over to the Park West and getting pieces of chocolate for the journey. I highly recommend the lemon meringue chocolate. Awesome. We met Lisa at the Park West for Dar Williams. Shawn Mullins opened and we got there about halfway into his set. We caught “Beautiful Wreck” which always makes me think about Ryan which always makes me a little sad. I know that when Dar came on, she was making us feel reflective, “Spring Street” was song #2 and definitely put me in a thoughtful mood. But she played “As Cool As I Am” which I’ve never heard her do live and that got us all up and dancing. She was great, as was her band. We took our time leaving and Shawn Mullins was in the lobby signing autographs. I’m constantly amazed by Lisa’s ability to talk to famous people. OK, maybe Shawn Mullins isn’t super famous. But you know what I mean. I have this story about when Lisa & I met Ira Glass—from NPR’s “This American Life”. Not a star—a public radio personality. I was totally tongue tied. Lisa was chatting away. Anyway, it was the same w Mr. Mullins-- talking with him about seeing him back in Atlanta, how was so-and-so, etc. So much cooler than me. Lisa also had about 4 rum and Cokes so she insisted we hit Stanley's for fried chicken afterwards. I know better than to deprive a Southern girl of fried chicken. Plus they have fried mac & cheese, ie. heaven. We headed to Stanleys, drank a little more and ate friend food-- which is the way every Fri. night should end.
"It's Alright" off her new album
The BrunettesStanley's
Silly me & Laura
Lisa & the fried chicken
Day 2- Hideout Block Party (Part 1)
Day 2 led to a weekend that I love-- the Hideout Block Party. I love the Hideout bc it's a dive. It's in the middle of nowhere. You see all types of people-- hipsters, middle-age suburbanites, liberal yuppies. It's awesome. And I was so excited to see Neko Case who was headlining the night. Tim was excited about Black Mountain. It was hot that day and some of the bands were hit and miss. But Tim & I were both very happy with the bands we had come to see. Tim was actually off the hook excited about Black Mountain. As much as I enjoyed Neko, I made the rookie mistake of wearing heels to an all day concert. I had rationalized something about the fact that they were wedges. But by the end of the night I was in excruciating pain. Oops.
This band was called Monotonix. They were insane. Supposedly from Tel Aviv but they all sounded like Borat. Tim thought they weren't really-- all an act. Half naked. Playing on the ground instead of the stage. Drum sticks on fire. Playing in a garbage can. Crowd surfing. Oh, and basically screaming the whole time.Tim posing. And me.
Tim's not the biggest Neko Case fan.

Day 3- Hideout Block Party (Part 2)
It took everything we had to rally and get to the Hideout by 5:30. But we did it! The leftover stuffed pizza that was ordered the night before helped. After being so hot the day before, Tim and I wore shorts. So of course it was freezing on Sunday. At least this time I wore my sneakers. See-- didn't get that Ivy League degree for nothing. There was a very amusing cover of "Thriller" that included the Hideout staff dressed as zombies doing the Thriller dance. Couldn't get a shot of it but it was pretty clever. But we were really there for the New Pornographers who were great. They played what Tim calls the "University of Phoenix fight song" because it's used in the online university's ads. Lots of jokes about how their football team did and the like. Tim's friend John met us and Tim instantly told him about Nora O'Connor the night before and her chest. Yep, I'm dating a 13 year old. After the New Pornographers we were there for Ratatat. Did you know this band plays songs with no words? I didn't. But it was a nice night and pleasant enough. We didn't stick around for the DJ set that ended the weekend. It was a school night afterall!
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