That was me Sat. night. I had my 35th birthday party and the them was "My Favorite Things". Above include some of my favorites: Little Debbie Zebra cakes, Stella Doro Swiss fudge cookies, Jujy Fruit, Bubu Lubu, Funions and cheese. Sadly, I didn't take many more pictures after that because I got stupid drunk. Let me explain.
My friend Alex said he'd come over early to help me w/ the keg (which turned out to be overkill-- I forget that grown ups actually bring alcohol to houseparties. So I have 3/4 of a keg leftover and a fridge full of beer & wine. There are worse problems) and bring ice, etc. The party was at 7, so he said he'd come around 5:30. Well, around 4:30 he calls and says he's at my place. I'm in my robe in the process of blowdrying my hair, so I'm a little cranky about this. I open the door and who's there? Alex. And Bobbi from NY! I scream some high pitched scream and am totally thrown off by the fact that she's here. Alex also got my friend Orin to come in from DC and friends Jessica, Todd, Birdie & Mike to come down from Milwaukee. So exciting! The more immediate result is that I start drinking w/ Alex & Bobbi around 5 pm (Bobbi & Alex had started at noon, so I was playing catch up). So by 7 when people start showing up? Trouble. I wore a pretty short dress and I was apparently in danger of flashing people at one point. I think the heels came off around 9. Rafael made the cake which was 2 tiers and looked like a wedding cake. Except that it had a big fondant penis on it. Which apparently, I bit the tip off of. I only did about 3 car bombs but I was drinking whiskey all night. I have no idea who gave me the big knife to cut the cake with but I've been told that it was a little dicey. I say "I've been told" because it's all a little hazy. I'm still piecing the night together. I've heard that there are photos and videos out there and I'm hoping people will come forward with evidence.
All in all, it was a super, super fun night. At least the parts that I remember. I know one thing-- I feel lucky to have the friends that I do.
Paul schmoozing someone and the lovely Shannon smiling in the background
PLEASURE to be there my lovely! My pictures will be forthcoming now that my camera has recovered from its swim in my Stoli Vanilla and Diet Coke. While your memory my be hazy (as is mine) I can assure you of a few things:
1) You looked beautiful, 2) You are loved by many and 3) You ate a Pee Pee (literally).
Wish I could have been there! Happy birthday, girlie! Come on into the 35-year-old pool - the water's fine
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