Not sure I have much to say, but what the hell.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fri., September 5-- Germanfest

You guys have probably heard me mention German beer a time or two. That's partially bc I live in a German neighborhood w bars called Huettenbar and Brauhaus. This weekend was the 2nd of 2 annual German festivals in my ‘hood. They close off the square, old people dress up in traditional German dress, a band plays polkas (as well as “Margaritaville” and Bob Marley, interestingly enough) and we stand around drinking beer in big plastic steins. This year was no different. We ended the night at my new favorite place—Spinners. Andy & Tim tore up the karaoke machine. Tim even did his “Like a Prayer” with a literal “fall to his knees” and shirt removal. Sadly, my camera had broken by then so no video.

Liz & me at the fest before the night starts getting blurry for me
We met up w Luke and Sean at Spinners. Hilarity ensued.
Mindy & Alex at Spinners. The photo is a little blurry. Just like the photographer.
I took about 20 self-portraits. This was the best one. I'm telling you-- the steins of beer we BIG.
Lis & Andy dancing and singing. So sweet.
Carlos drove. So he was relatively sober. As evidenced by his "WTF?!?!" expression.

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